
Meals, Royals, and Zoo + some

We have been so busy this month! Two weeks ago my sister danced in her last spring show. I didn't take any pictures...but trust me, she was beautiful :)

On that Saturday, my mom, sister, cousin, and two of my aunts and I all went to one of those meal making places. You know, the ones where you make meals and take them home and freeze them. We went here -- the prices are reasonable. I think I figured that it's more expensive than making a meal at home, but less expensive than eating out -- somewhere in the middle.

Left to Right: My sister Alison, my mom, me, my aunt Christy, my cousin Sarah, and my aunt Toni

Last weekend Bryan's twin siblings -- Bennett and Brielle -- graduated high school! Again, no pictures. My mom and sister and Bryan and I went to the Royals v. Baltimore game which was awesome. If you haven't been to the newly renovated K yet, it's well worth it. Bryan also got to go to the "rainout" game on Friday night. He waited 2 1/2 hours for the game to start -- but said it was worth it since Greinke was pitching -- and they won!

The two most lovely women in my life.

This weekend three of our college friends came and stayed with us because we all had a wedding to go to last night. Dave, Jared, and Katie stayed in our two bedroom apartment...hah! It was interesting - but fun. Saturday we went to the Sedgwick County Zoo - we'd never been there before since we've only lived in Wichita for 9 months. And for the first time since I've lived here, I can say that I like something better in Wichita than I do in Kansas City -- the Zoo! All of the animals are closer together. In KC, you have to walk like 2 miles to get to the next animal exhibit.

This is the only picture of all of us -- some guy at the zoo took it. He obviously doesn't take pictures very often. Jared is by Bryan and David is the hairy guy on the right.

Dave and I - eating lunch in the cool shade.

Dave and Bry in the rainforest...it was humid. Dave's beard was probably dripping ;)

It was such a hot day. Katie got blue bunny ice cream on a stick -- and I obviously wished I could have some too :)

The absolutely HUGE grizzly bear. Seriously, it was so big and it kept pacing back and forth. I felt bad though -- it had to be really hot.

Aslan. The ferocious lion we could of touched if six layers of glass and plastic weren't between us.

Hippo. The most dangerous animal in Africa. Kills more people than any other animal. Watch out -- they're fat but they can run 20 mph!

The evolution of man. Have they really changed that much??? ;)

Hopefully you enjoyed the glimpse into our busy few weeks. It's raining outside and we are going to cuddle up and watch Body of Lies. Happy Memorial Day! Check back soon :)

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